Oldal kiválasztása

Last sky way

Basic services


Obtaining official permits

We undertake full administration of licenses for the use of pyrotechnics.


Acquisition of owner's consent

For venues provided by Last Sky Way, we provide full administration of the owner’s consent.


Ensuring land use

For venues provided by Last Sky Way, we undertake full administration of the use of the space required for the ceremony.


Delivery of ashes by pyrotechnics

Within the framework of our service, ashes are scattered using pyrotechnics. The pyrotechnics necessary for the ceremony are always provided by the Last Sky Way.


Provision of additional pyrotechnics

Within the framework of the basic services, it is also possible to request up to 8 small pyrotechnic products. (e.g. fountains, sparksJet, etc.)


Hospitality during the ceremony

Mineral water and soft drinks are available to the relatives during the ceremony.


Reading a commemorative speech

We undertake to read a pre-written memorial speech.


Music during the ceremony and assembly

During the ceremony and assembly, we provide musical background.


Unique ceramic commemorative cylinder

Our ceramic commemorative cylinder is used to take the ashes home. The size of the commemorative cylinders is significantly smaller than the traditional urn size and can be requested with any text and photo.


Personalized effects and lights

The ceremony can be customized, for which we provide many possibilities. Among other things, you can determine the number of launches, select special effects, and illuminations of different colors. The details will be discussed in person.


Seats and pavilions

The basic service provides 8 seats and a 3×3 meter pavilion for the duration of the ceremony.

Last sky way

Services available for an additional fee


Provision of a special location

It is also possible to choose a special location, however, in this case we always give you a unique quote, knowing the location.


Land use beyond the specified time

Our basic service includes a period of 1 hour for land use. However, it is also possible to use the chosen location for a different duration, for which individual consultation will take place.


Use of visual elements

Fireworks, smoke machines and other pyrotechnics can make the ceremony even more spectacular and solemn. Our staff is at your disposal in connection with your specific needs.


Preparation of a farewell speech

Based on the information we receive, we undertake to prepare and read a farewell speech. In addition to personal information, the farewell speech will also be expanded with content of religious denomensiour.


Hospitality after the ceremony

Upon request, we undertake the execution of the post-ceremony funeral torment, either on site or in a restaurant near the venue.


Music of choice during the ceremony

Upon request, we provide our own chosen music during the assembly and ceremony.


Seats, pavilions

In addition to those specified in the basic service, we have additional seating and pavilions at your disposal.

Last sky way

More options


Will Card

In case someone wishes to make a will in connection with their own farewell, it is possible to apply for a Will card. In this case, the cardholder concludes a contract with our company, with legal authentication, for the use of the services of his choice. In this case, our company undertakes the full administration on the basis of the authorization. The client deposits the fee for the ceremony with a lawyer, which the lawyer forwards to us after the ceremony has been carried out.



Our savings service is the solution if you want to insure the costs of saying goodbye in advance. Saving has many advantages. On the one hand, the beneficiary is free to be marked, so that the date of the probate hearing does not affect the use of the savings. On the other hand, Last Sky Way guarantees a secure payment on the total amount accumulated during savings. In connection with the details of our service, our staff is at your disposal, either in person or by phone.

Think about the future!

Don’t burden your loved ones financially or spiritually with what kind of send-off they choose for you. If you don’t have the financial resources you need, our savings program, backed by several well-known insurance companies, can be a great opportunity for you. This may be beneficial to you because the amount you are going to do is not part of the estate, it is immediately available to perform the ceremony.

“If I'm buried in the clouds, I'll be everywhere and nowhere at the same time."

Csaba Toth

Are you interested?

Get in touch with us!

+36 70 607 2722
