Oldal kiválasztása

Last sky way

Frequently Asked Questions

I would like to use the Last Sky Way service. What steps should I take first?

The first step is to apply for cremation and the issue of a death certificate. The cremation and the death certificate will be arranged by the undertaker you contacted earlier. If you haven’t heard about our service from one of our contracted partners, we can recommend a trusted, experienced administrator. We will discuss further details of the ceremony with you at the Last Sky Way office.

What criteria should I take into account when choosing a location?

When using the Last Sky Way service, pyrotechnic devices are used to scatter the ashes, so the choice of location is important to consider whether these devices can be used in the area. It is important to seek the consent of the owner of the chosen land. If the ceremony takes place at a location provided by Last Sky Way, this permission is always available. In all cases, the use of pyrotechnic devices is subject to official authorization, which is provided by Last Sky Way. In addition to the above, we believe it is important to take into account the commemorative aspects when choosing the site.

Do I have to do any licensing-related paperwork?

Licensing for the use of pyrotechnic devices is always carried out by Last Sky Way. If the ceremony will take place at a location proposed by Last Sky Way, we will also obtain the owner’s consent. However, if the ceremony is to be held at a venue of your choice, the written consent of the venue owner is required, which is the responsibility of the client.

How does the ceremony take place?

People can place candles and flowers at the photo of the deceased and at a symbolic urn. We listen together to the eulogy, delivered by a person chosen by the relatives. The symbolic urn will then be transported by our colleagues to the point where the deceased’s final journey begins. The ceremony continues with the launching of the spectacular elements and pyrotechnics, and the scattering of ashes. When the ceremony is over, we leave the venue to the accompaniment of soft music.

How do you ensure the safety of the participants during the scattering of ashes?

Shooting pyrotechnic devices over participants is prohibited in all cases, including here. During the ceremony, participants are in a protected zone, in complete safety.

After cremation, it is usually possible for the family to place the ashes in their own home if they wish. Is this possible in this case?

Yes. As part of our service, it is possible to take home souvenir ceramics. Our ceramic urns are much smaller than traditional urns and can be customized with an inscription and a photo on request.

What guarantees that I will receive the ashes of my loved ones?

The Last Sky Way only works with modern cremation plants with unique identification systems, where multiple cremations cannot take place at the same time. Last Sky Way provides unique transport vehicles with logo and identification for the transport of ashes. After cremation, the ashes are placed directly into these transport cylinders and the transport cylinders are sealed. Transport cylinders are no longer opened after closing. From the transport cylinder, the ashes are placed directly into the pyrotechnic device or commemorative ceramic.

Who can attend the ceremony? Is it suitable for children?

The ceremony is of course open to an unlimited number of relatives and guests. Participants will be offered mineral water and soft drinks as a basic service, but a full funeral reception can be ordered as an extra service. We believe that the farewell provided by the Last Sky Way is easier for children to process and more solemn than traditional forms of burial. However, the use of pyrotechnic devices has a sound effect for which they must be prepared. Children must be closely supervised during the ceremony and may only stay within the designated safety zone.

How can I make the farewell more festive?

As an extra service, it is also possible to add a touch of grandeur to the ceremony with a firing of a gun. In this case we use a replica cannon.

When can I get a discount on the price of the service?

The prices of our services are generally fixed, but there are some special cases (e.g. joint funerals of several relatives, providing your own venue) that may involve discounted pricing. Discounts and special prices are always subject to personal discussion.

“If I'm buried in the clouds, I'll be everywhere and nowhere at the same time."

Csaba Toth

Are you interested?

Get in touch with us!

+36 70 607 2722
